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Dr. Margo J. Brown
First Lady

Dr. Margo J. Brown is the wife of Dr. David Brown, The Vice Bishop of The Holy Church of God in Christ and the First Lady of Christ Memorial Rockingham, NC. She is the daughter of the late Deacon Leonard and Mother Lola Williams of Ellerbe, NC


Dr. Brown graduated from Richmond Senior High, worked for two years as an Assistant teacher, and later attended Winston Salem State University and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education. She worked out of state for three years in Virginia. Dr. Brown finished out her 30+ years of her teaching career in North Carolina. While teaching, she received her Master of Arts in Education Degree at Pembroke State University, better known as the University of North Carolina of Pembroke. She also became "Teacher of the Year twice at Aberdeen Primary School.


After retiring in Education, the Lord blessed her to receive her Doctorate at the North Carolina College of Theology. Lady Brown is the State Mother of the Holy Church of God in Christ under the direction of General Bishop Larry Brown. She is the Sunday School Teacher at her local church. She is the founder and CEO of the S.O.S. (Sisters of Strength) and the Vice President of the Angel of Mercy Food Pantry of her church in Rockingham NC. She is a member of the Christ Memorial's Praise Team under the direction of Deacon Daniel Brown.


Dr. Brown is the mother of four anointed men of God, Mother-in-law of three beautiful daughters-in-law, and the grandmother of eight wonderful grandchildren.


She has a story time session online every Tuesday called Mrs. B's Story Time.


Her favorite scripture comes from James 1:19 "Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”

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